Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Manohara Pinot by Yin

I'm sure all of you have heard and read the stories on Manohara Pinot, the Indonesian-American model who married the Kelantan prince.  To those who have not heard the story, briefly Manohara was a model and got married to the son of Sultan Kelantan.  She was 16 years old when she got married about a year ago.  There were allegations recently by her family that she was abused by her husband. It made headlines in Indonesia. 

Well, last week me, Nadiah and Elhan were in Redang Island.  On our first day, while lepaking at the cofee house we saw this group of people walking up from the beach to the hotel. I immediately recognised one of them. It was her, Manohara. She was with her husband and an entourage of body guards and dayangs.  They sat next to our table.  I was tempted to sneak in a snap of photo but was quite intimidated with all the body guards around, with walkie talkies. They were making quite a ruckus, laughing out loud and playing cards.

I must say that Manohara no longer looks like a model, she has put on weight but still pretty though.  I noticed when  she got up to go to the ladies she was followed by a dayang and a bodyguard. She looked kinda happy though but as Nadiah puts it, I cant imagine her having to socialise with just the dayangs and body guards. 

Anyway, Redang was beautiful and Elhan really enjoyed himself... he even manage to tackle a french babe!

Elhan getting his first babe kiss.


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